Sunday, February 16, 2014

valentines day

I am just going to come out with it. Valentine's day is such a waste of a holiday, phew, I feel much better. And Big Daddy agrees with me, what dude wouldn't? 

Don't worry, I don't feel this way about only Valentine's day but also mother's day, father's day, grandparent's day....the list goes on and on. I refuse to waste my money on little red boxes of chocolates that taste like wax. Maybe one day when I can buy the good stuff and order a new car for myself for vday. No, not even then because I refuse to be a robot and buy crap just because marketers tell me I need to. News flash, I have a degree in a marketing related field (history...jk it's not history, it's public relations) and I refuse to give into your evil schemes unless it involves me buying mass amounts of cereal and receiving milk for free (I am a recovering coupon addict). 

Do you know what my awesome little family did for Valentine's this year? We woke up and I made eggs, bacon and toast, I make breakfast every morning so this wasn't special. I take that back we usually have sausage and I was feeling crazy and bought bacon. I had also bought myself some pink tulips the night before for a whopping $5 and they were beautiful! The kids got their cute little Valentine's from their daddy (I raided a clearance bin at Winco and got some sweet stuffed animals and plastic dinosaurs for $.15 and some sweet lip suckers). Then I took the kids to the park, we went home and I wanted them to nap for hours, ya right. Then I gave them a bath and B face got out and pooped all over the floor in the bathroom and then walked in it. Happy Vday to me! Then Big Daddy came home and we went to our friends house and had heart shaped pizza for the kids and we adults had yummy Vietnamese take out. That my friends is how Valentine's should be, just a regular day with the peeps you love. 


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