Sunday, January 26, 2014

lets seeeee

Well, since October I have not been running as much as I should, been doing some Zumba and I have recently started planking for at least one minute everyday. Can I just say that I seriously feel like I am getting buff from the planking. Big Daddy makes fun of me saying it isn't that hard but you know what he couldn't even do it for one minute with one are, such a weakling.

As far as the weight loss contest. We never even weighed in at the end, I guess we all decided we didn't really care and we were truly to broke to pay up in the end. haha, so I declare myself the winner! yay me!!! I decided scales are the devil, and am now going off my belt. The more holes I am down the better. My brother started this liquid diet through his doctors office three weeks ago and has already lost 23 lbs. What a cheater! Slow and steady wins the race...or maybe just takes longer to reach their goals...who knows.

I bought a Groupon yesterday for a haircut so now I actually get to cut my hair. I am typically one who always asks people how they think I should cut my hair, especially the man. His usually response is he doesn't care, but I always just assume he likes my long sexy, luscious locks. Well with this new and improved self I am trying to create. I am making decision about me, myself and I all by myself and telling others to bite themselves (I haven't had a chance to do that yet but I am anxiously waiting). Big Daddy on the other hand is rather excited I don't bore him with the same questions over and over and over and over and over and over again. 

You may not know this about me but I am one of the most indecisive people I have ever met. It runs in my blood. So I am trying to make one decision and just live with the results. Seriously, going through a drive though with me can be a challenge for all those involved because there are toooooo many choices, so I will decide, then change my mind, then change my mind again. It really is lots of fun, I don't know why the people around me don't seem to think so. I have noticed I have passed this trait on to lil Sas and I am hoping to help her nip this "condition" in the butt. I swear we have too many choices in our lives sometimes (but I will leave that for a different day). So here is to the new year and making decisions quick and never looking back. With that said here is a pic of what I am going to cut my hair like! So exciting.

Well that is enough fun for today.