Monday, February 3, 2014

my hair did

I will start off by saying I am not a person who likes to spend any time on their hair. And I am blessed enough to not have to because of all these luscious waves (thanks to having my girls, my hair used to be a lot more  straight but apparently the more children I produce the wavier my hair gets). Anyway, like I mentioned previously I bought a Groupon and went to get my haircut on Saturday. So the lady was nice she was about my age and I showed her the cute pic of the cut I wanted and she ended up doing an A-line bob with no bangs....huh....I don't know about you but when I get a haircut I assume the people cutting my hair know what would look better on me than I do since they went to beauty school and all. So I liked it the day of ish (yes I meant to write ish, it means I am undecided). It seems to be really thick and heavy in the front but fun and frisky in the back. 
As a side note can I just tell you that the hair lady asked if I had ever done stand up comedy. That's right, I am just as funny in real life as I am in my head! Big Daddy is convinced she just wanted a bigger tip because she was getting hosed by using Groupon. He's just jealous. Now back to the story.  

My vision when I was going to get my haircut was that it would be short and I wouldn't have to do anything and then it would look amazing all the time because of my previously mentioned waves! I feel like that is a reasonable expectation, so if you are laughing right now...shame on you. Well I didn't get the haircut I wanted and so far it isn't so get up and go like I was hoping. My mother has also been kind enough to point out that it just needs some tweaking and it will be perfect. That is love right there, nothing like telling someone who just chopped off their hair that it needs just a little love. I mean at least my brother was honest enough to just tell me he didn't like it. I don't even know if I like it. I am kind of hating the short in the back long in the front thing, I kind of just want the cut I went in for!! Next time a hair dresser tells me they don't want to cut my hair how I want I will tell them to shove it and leave. If they do what I want I have no one to blame but myself for not liking the hairstyle. And since I have to look at myself everyday I want to feel like a sexy beast and so far I am feeling like the sides are a little to puffy for my liking.

What is the point of this post you might be wondering. I really have no idea. Maybe that I will never cut my hair again. This is the first time it has been this short in approx a billion years, or eight, but who's counting.Will I go back and get my hair cut the way I really wanted? Who knows, that is up to the indecision of my brain.

And here are the pics of my non did hair, aka, shower, put in some mousse, sleep on it a few nights, you know. One before when it was long and one just taken today. Don't mind the blurriness, I am still trying to master this whole "selfie" thing. I think it might be my new favorite hobby.

1 comment:

  1. I actually really love the new cut and you know I would tell you the truth. I'm pretty jealous of your waves.
