Thursday, May 1, 2014

Just Call Me Martha

I will start by saying I AM NOT CRAFTY. As a matter of fact my attention span for crafty things is approx. five minutes long, maybe ten on a good day when I am loaded with sugar or caffeine. With that being said, Big Daddy and I have been tapping into our crafty sides and I am loving the results while hating the amount of time it takes to get things done.

Recently we inherited a new huge television from my brother and we had to get rid of the entertainment center we had because the tv wouldn't fit in it. Which lead to our tv mounted on the wall and all the stuff from our old entertainment center sitting on our floor...not so kid proof. Then the search began. You may not know this but Big Daddy and I are rather picky. Our budget was max $300, and we wanted something real wood so it would last forever, or until we were sick of looking at it. Oh, and we also wanted something long and taller than two ft. Weeks later we came to the conclusion that was never going to happen with our budget.
So we searched out DIY dresser/entertainment centers and decided that is what we were going to do. After days of searching on Craigslist we found the perfect one and of course I didn't take a picture of what it looked like before so you can be that much more impressed with the results. But here is a picture of the mirror that was on it, which shows the wood stain color so with a little imagination you get the idea. 

So the mirror is laying on top of the dresser hence the weird angle and the reflection of my garage shelves and garage door, but lucky for you if you look really close you can see part of the dresser below it.

The all it took was a little (many, many hours) sanding, priming, sanding again, and painting twice. I lied, that wasn't all. We also took out the middle drawers and put wood down so we would have shelves for the blu-ray player, Nintendo 64 (woooooooohooo) and other things to make our viewing pleasure excellent, and cut holes in the back for the cords. And of course the new hardware to make it look so fresh and clean. 

Ready for the much anticipated reveal...... 

TA-DA!! Take that Pinterest!

I am so in love!  All we have left is hiding the tv cords, and the best part was it cost us about $160!!!!! So there you have it, I am turning over a new crafty side.

Next project re-upholstering the piano bench.

FYI the color is BEHR Amber Moon

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