Wednesday, September 18, 2013

it continues

Well here I am eight years later (more like months, or something...who's keeping track?) and I am in a weight loss contest (by % lost) with my brother, dad and big daddy. The winner gets $100 and the bragging rights, which are most important...obviously. But aside from that little contest I have a personal one on one weight loss contest with my brother. The winner of this contest has to buy the other one a $100 new skinny outfit.

This contest started at the beginning of the month and the final weigh in day is January 1, 2014. dun,dun,dun. So far I am winning! Or so I thought I was the first week until I was informed they were calculating it wrong and I am LOSING. How lame is that? Anyway, so far I have lost a whopping 2 lbs and he has lost 11, and I continue to sit at the bottom of the weight lost scale. But no worries I will be triumphant come January because I have started running 3+ miles a day and do Zumba (oh ya, this all came about because everyone kept saying Zumba wasn't a work out and it pissed me right off so I told Justin (my brother) I would kick his trash in a weight loss contest and I will only do Zumba and run). So here's to reaching my weight loss goal of 160, only 40 lbs to go!! Seriously....but that is a whole other post.

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