Thursday, October 25, 2012

My skinny fat self

I figure we better get this out of the way asap. My shoulder angels are not good vs. bad they are my skinny self vs. my fat self, and I'll be honest things between them can get hostile.

It goes a little something like this, my skinny self (she dwells on the right shoulder...rather attractive, always wearing her bikini ready for the beach with her perfect tousled long hair blowing in the wind. Not to mention the smoky eyes like all the Victoria Secret models. I tell ya, she looks good! ) loves fruit and veggies, always wants to run and workout, is extremely addicted to Zumba and always up for a good competition.

My left shoulder dwelling fat self is a sight to be seen, sitting there in her La-Z-Boy recliner wearing her comfy sweats with a messy side pony tail, snacking on a box of Krispy Kremes and four dozen fresh baked cookies while watching The Kardashians. She has the life!

 As you can probably guess my life is a constant battle with the skinny self trying to prevail and drown my fat self in the ocean. However, as luck would have it, somehow my fat self escaped from the left shoulder and is currently sitting on my skinny self while I sit here typing this post and shoving cake box cookies in my mouth. I don't even like cake box cookies!!!!

Alas, the battle continues...may the skinny self prevail.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Welllll Hellllloooo There

Hello blogging world. Let me break down what is going to be happening on this blog for ya real quick... but first an introduction. I'm Joelle, I am 27, a college graduate, once had a job full time out of home job, now I have a full time in home job (that is being a mother for those who didn't catch that), I also have a very, very small part time job online which I do from home.

I have two little girls, lil sas and b face. I am well aware anyone with 3/4 of a brain (1/2 just wouldn't cut it) could google me and find out my children's names where I eat, what I dreamed about last night, what I am currently thinking about...but for my own peace of mind that is what they shall be called on this blog. My husband shall be named big daddy, and that is all in the family for now.

I used to blog quite often, it was a wonderful blog. It's remnants are here , minus some of the awesome content I deleted in a weak moment. It died because I started working online and couldn't handle blogging and working and my child and I HATED! I started out on Blogger and then converted to Wordpress and it was by far the worst decision of my life to date.

So I am starting fresh and will blog about whatever I like, I have no aspirations to be the best and make millions, this is merely for my brain. I have realized expressing my feelings helps me relax, and since big daddy is never in the mood for talking all night long so I can get in all the words I need to in order to reach my talking quota for the day, I will just blog. Wow, that was a long sentence. I, for one, also have many great ideas that need to be expressed somewhere for the world to stumble upon!!

And that about sums it up. Please enjoy the happenings of my brain!